Seven Tips to Help You Choose the Right Payments Solution for Your Business

You have many, many choices when deciding which company should handle your credit card processing. Once you’ve chosen a processor, there are still many decisions to make about the available payment processing solutions and which ones will best serve your needs. How can you cut through the noise and make a smart choice? This article will show you how to choose the right payments solution for your business.

Prioritize Security

Security should always be your first priority – if it’s not, you might find yourself in a crisis situation involving a data breach. Make sure you’re protecting your customers by only considering PCI compliant solutions. If your provider can’t assure you that their products meet and exceed security standards, they’re not the right payments solution for your business.

Make Sure You’re Paying a Fair Price

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the payment processing options available. Most processors are not very forthcoming about their pricing structure, and most try to hide extra charges in obscure line items throughout your bill. Look for a processor who is committed to providing you a clear and easy to read statement every month and who is willing to review it with you if you have questions. You should feel confident that you’re paying a reasonable amount for your processing.

Look for Integrated Options

While integrated payments certainly aren’t for everyone, many businesses love the convenience and simplicity they offer. With integrated payments, your credit card processing works seamlessly with the business management software you already use every single day. This can offer a major upgrade to the way you do business, and just might be the right payments solution for your business.

Ensure Contactless Payments Support

Contactless payments matter today like never before. Whatever payments solution you choose absolutely must include an option for your customers to pay you without physically entering your business. Ensure that your credit card processor is able to offer these kinds of products and that they fully understand their importance.

Pay Attention to Reviews

It’s not all about the price! In some cases, you get what you pay for when it comes to credit card processing. Check out online reviews and make sure that the processor you choose is ready and able to support you if something goes wrong.

Keep Your Options Open

Your business needs will change over time, and with them your credit card processing situation. Make sure you’re working with a processor who can change with you. When you choose the right payments solution for your business today, that solution might not be right five years down the road. Choosing a processor who will grow with you is critical.

Partnering with the Best

Choosing a credit card processor is tough – there’s no denying that. The great news is that there is a processor out there who is committed to being a trusted partner for your business from day one – 360 Payments. Want to learn more about what we’re all about? Give us a call at 1-855-360-0360 or drop us a line on our website.

PS – For some businesses, working from home is here to stay. Here’s how to make it work for you.

PPS – Having trouble getting paid on time? Check out our tips.

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